Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gym v School v Outdoors

My town is covered in slush. Covered. Running outside would not only be stupid, it would be dangerous. So, I chose to run inside today - I brought my stuff to work and was going to use the hallways again. Then, something in me snapped. I didn't like running in the school. It was pretty darned awful. So, I went home, got a towel and some socks, went to my old gym and signed up for three months. They have an indoor track that overlooks the pool and the basketball court. So, while the view is pretty static, there are big windows (that might look good during the daylight) and usually several hot guys to stare at on the court. Plus, it was less than buying a treadmill. I think it was a good expenditure. It will last me until mid-April. By then the snow should be gone and I can return to running outdoors regularly. Hopefully by then I'll also have moved.

Oh, and the gym has a scale, so I can more frequently update my weight loss (hopefully).

So, here it is:

Update: ~2.5 miles, 25 minutes, 286 lbs. Note: This is a new scale, so it might be different from the one at the doctor's office. But it went down one, so that makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. A coworker/friend in Atlanta once bought a treadmill. It suffered repeated breakdowns, and they often had the service guy out to check it out. The serviceman's opinion was that the affordable home treadmills (and this was not one of those dinky really slight ones) just aren't up to the sort of abuse the really fancy ones in gyms receive. Treadmill sales people assume most consumers buying treadmills will use it for a few weeks, and then turn it into a coat rack. The equipment just wasn't setup for someone to run like crazy on it every single day.

    In the end, my friend got a refund on the treadmill due to gross breakdowns in the first year. He and his wife ended up perpetually renting a really fancy one. The rental was a great choice for them because they got the fancier, sturdier kind, it inherenetly came with a service plan. And since they were renting at the time, it was easy to deal with the equipment issue when they bought their house.

    So in all, good choice not to buy a treadmill, I think -- particularly when you're just on the verge of moving anyhow.

    Yay gym!

