Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And injury becomes my pal

So, it seems like my hips were not just complaining they are actually trying to tell me something. I tried to run today - an easy 4 miles. Not that 4 miles is easy, but it was supposed to be non-strenous. It started out okay - my hips started complaining very early on. About 1.5 miles in my legs just did not want to continue. So I listened and gave them a couple hundred feet of walking before picking up the pace again. At this point it felt like I was running with a limp and my choice was to keep going and hope it goes away or to stop and realize that something is not right.

So, my next step is to call a chiropractor and see what happens. Hopefully, others experience (like Trace's) will carry over and I will be healed from on high!!

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