Sunday, February 28, 2010

Long overdue post

So, it's been over a month since my last post. Figures my last post was about how hard it is to blog comparing to running.

So, in the last month, I've switched from time to distance measurements. In training for the 1/2 marathon in June, we have to pick up our distances to make sure we can run sufficiently far. Right now I try (I stress try) to run 3 times a week. I get a long run on Sundays and then two shorter runs on Tuesday and either Thursday or Friday. With karate twice a week, it makes for a very hectic schedule. So, I don't always get three runs in.

Right now, our long run is 5 miles. I've done that two weeks in a row. My short runs are either 3 or 4 miles. Tuesday will be an easy 4 miles. Easy pace, not that 4 miles is easy. Then I'll run 3 on Thursday and because or weekend snafus, I'll run 6 on Friday. Yes, 6 miles. Every week we'll be increasing the long run by a mile. So by the end of March I think the schedule has me running 7 or 8 miles once a week. Which is pretty outstanding I have to say. It makes me very happy to be able to run 5 miles at all.

On the problems front, I've been dealing with hip issues. I think its my hip flexors that are giving me the problems, but it might be something else. I'm hoping its not actually the joint themselves or anything else that can't be over come with good stretch and hydration. Today, I was a bit dehydrated so I experienced a pain in my diaphragm (a "stitch") early on and a pain in my outer thigh late. The pain in my thigh made me stop running which was fine, I was at 4.5 miles at the time and I'd rather be healthy than not.

So I've been speaking to many people about my hip issues and it seems to come down to this: See a chiropractor or buy new shoes. My shoes are almost 6 months old which is about the time they suggest replacing them. So, I'm going to go to the running store and buying a new pair of shoes soon. Then I'm going to find a good chiropractor and see them. We'll see what happens.

So, to update: 5 miles in 1 hour and 6 minutes. Weight? Unknown, I'll weigh myself at the gym this week.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Scotty's blogging again!

    Wow! 5 miles in a session is REALLY impressive! I'd be very impressed if I walked that far at once, let alone, ya know, RUN. Go you!

    I've really experienced great success with going to the chiropractor regularly. I hope one is able to straighten out the issues with your hip.

    Keep running! Keep blogging!
