Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, Thursdays are supposed to be my running day, but I chose to rest instead. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s, so it'll be a perfect day to run outside and that means I can get to the park and run there. That excites me way more than running inside my high school.

This decision comes in part because I went to my tae kwon do class twice this week for a good 2 hour workout each time. I think it's best to take a day off every now and again. It's hard to be training for a half-marathon and training for a 2nd degree black belt test at the same time. I have to run, kick, run, break, run, punch, run and then kick some more. It's a work out. I think I'm working out more this year than I have in the last 39. Ah well, my belt no longer fits and that's a good thing. I need to punch new holes in it.

No update to time or anything. Will update that this weekend. The plan is to run Friday, Saturday & Sunday.


  1. Hey neatto! When did you go back to Tae Kwon Do? Are you training with a weapon this time?

    Great idea about resting to take advantage of the nicer weather tomorrow. I bet you feel a surge of confidence in the freedom to adjust your set schedule knowing it's toward greater motivation, not buckling under a dearth of it.

    Weight? Height? Age, sex, location? Where are my statistics??


  2. I got back to it a little more than a year ago. I will be training with the fan starting in February, so that will be fun.

    And today's weather was so nice!! Statistics in today's blog. Weight to follow after next doctor's appointment. :-)
